Case Details

Moufresh Marketplace Aplication

Aplikasi Moufresh dapat menghubungkan Anda sebagai penjual dan pembeli tanpa harus bertemu secara langsung. Dengan aplikasi ini Anda dapat menjual atau memesan produk di pasar tradisional dan supermarket

The application is a marketplace that is different from other marketplaces, because Moufresh can be used to make purchases at traditional markets and supermarkets that have partnered. In addition, Moufresh also has its own delivery fleet which also has a ride-healing application called delivery boy. For the initial launch, this application can only be used for purchases in the Lampung area.

Marketplace is one solution, during a pandemic like this, by using technology, people don’t need to meet in person, the pandemic doesn’t have to be an enemy’s business, let’s make your online shop at

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